Biomechanics/ Fitness
While we are able to enjoy playing golf, we must remember that these are unusual times and we have to do what is best for the health of our families and communities. We believe golf is an outlet to alleviate some of the stresses and fears in the world today.
Program Options
Golf and Body Assessment (90min/$150 member, $180)
Swing Instructor and Biomechanics Coach do an info intake/goal planning session, biomechanics assessment, equipment assessment and swing assessment. Coaches then invite student to join their online training space (Edufii) where their notes, drills, exercises/stretches and lesson’s video review will be uploaded and players can contact instructors through the app/website.
Full Biomechanics Assessment (60min/$80)
Players will be tested on golf body awareness, numerous golf functional movements, and how ground forces influence the swing. Players will leave with a 3 day/week exercise routine with custom drills, stretches and exercises via Edufii.
Biomechanics/Swing Instruction Combo Lesson (60min/$120)
Schedule a lesson where both the biomechanics coach and swing instructors give the player information, drills, exercises and a practice routine to take home or to the range.
Individual Biomechanics/Fitness Session (60min/$80)
Players will challenge their golf bodies in areas such as proprioception, balance, strength, separation, speed and stability to help introduce and strengthen more efficient movements in their swing.
Half/Full Day Group Golf and Body School/Clinics ($350/$450)
Combine swing instruction with a biomechanics workshop and club spec and go apply your new knowledge at the range and start seeing results. (Option for an on course playing lesson with your coaches after to start applying your new moves on the course.)